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Issues of educational support in primary school and secondary education in disadvantaged suburbs in France

Article d’Olivier Meunier mis en ligne le 29 juillet 2015 dans la revue en ligne International Review of Sociology/ Revue Internationale de Sociologie, vol 25, n°3, p.518-533

From a critical sociological perspective, this article advances the debate between global schooling with political incentives and local meanings with localized educational practices and supports. It focuses on the role of education policies in the pursuit of social inclusion and social justice, but also shows how local actors adapt and experiment in managing the socio-cultural diversity of the students and the school contexts. First, I show the issues of educational support policies in the French context with a historical background and their re-appropriation by local actors. Second, I present the theoretical framework of my research (2008 to 2013), the methodology and initial results. Last, I analyze the main qualitative results of my comparative research in order to highlight ‘good’ or ‘bad’ educational support practices according to various criteria, starting with interactional socio-cultural posture between different actors.

Keywords : educational supportpolitical incentiveinclusive educationprimary schoolmiddle schoolFrance

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